The twenty-seventh edition will distribute one million crowns in seven categories. In the best thesis and dissertation categories, the thesis supervisors/tutors will receive both the award and a financial reward along with the students. The financial rewards distributed by Siemens over the past 26 years among 470 winning students, scientists and teachers amounted to 16.4 million crowns.
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Twenty-seventh Werner von Siemens Prize announced
The twenty-seventh edition of the Werner von Siemens Prize for students, teachers and young scientists in engineering and science has been announced. Candidates can apply via the website www.cenasiemens.cz until 30 November 2024.
The twenty-seventh edition will distribute one million crowns in seven categories. In the best thesis and dissertation categories, the thesis supervisors/tutors will receive both the award and a financial reward along with the students. The financial rewards distributed by Siemens over the past 26 years among 470 winning students, scientists and teachers amounted to 16.4 million crowns.
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