Josef Hlávka Prize for outstanding students
On 17 November 2019 at the Lužany u Přeštic chateau medals were handed over to meritorious scientists for their lifelong effort and talented students were awarded with prizes from the ‘Nadání Josefa, Marie a Zdeňky Hlávkových’ Foundation. That year the five awarded BUT students also included our faculty student Pavla Šabacká and a Ph.D. student Radovan Smíšek who both conduct research and development activities. Pavla Šabacká was awarded for her longterm cooperation with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Technology of the FEEC BUT and the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of Sciences where she had participated in the research in mapping vaccuum chambers in an electronic microscope since her secondary school studies. Radovan Smíšek has been continuously analysing cardiosignals. At the Department of Biomedical Engineering he focuses on the development of software tools for detection and classification of cardiopathologies.Source:
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