


We are involved in the research of broadband signals with applications in noise spectroscopy. We are also dealing with special applications of metamaterial structures for nuclear magnetic resonance, electron microscopy, photonics and nanoelectronics. Another area of research is the processing of images obtained from magnetic resonance and electrical impedance tomography, nuclear quadrupole resonance and other NDD techniques from the RF to IR electromagnetic spectrum. All this is made possible by our well-equipped specialized laboratories at a high technical and technological level. The staff of the Department is engaged in research in the laboratories of magnetic measurements, light technology, low level measurements, laboratory of pulsed sources and microwave devices and research laboratory of electro-optics and laser technology.

The department guarantees teaching across all bachelor, master and doctoral degree programmes. The aim is to educate professionals in important electrical engineering fields by understanding the basic principles of electrical engineering, safety, measurement of electrical and non-electrical quantities with respect to special applications and modelling of electromagnetic fields. The Department's guaranteed doctoral programme in Theoretical Electrical Engineering is aimed at preparing top scientific and research specialists in various areas of theoretical electrical engineering, especially in the theory of electromagnetism, in the theory of electrical circuits, in general signal processing methods and in the field of electrical measurements. The aim is to provide doctoral education in all these sub-fields to graduates of the Master's degree programme, to deepen their theoretical knowledge, to give them the necessary knowledge and practical skills and to teach them the methods of scientific work.


Contact details

Department of Theoretical and Experimental Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Technická 3082/12, Královo Pole, 61600, Brno, Czech Republic

+420 54114 6281


Head of Department

Deputy Head of Department

Department Financial Officer



Associate professor

Assistant professor

Assistant lecturer


Technical administration officer