Šumové vlastnosti multimetru Agilent
Period of solution: 20.09.2011 - 21.09.2011 Principal investigator of the project: Ing. Martin Frk, Ph.D. Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Technology
Dohledový systém s příslušenstvím pro elektrolodě
Period of solution: 01.09.2011 - 31.05.2012 Principal investigator of the project: doc. Ing. Aleš Povalač, Ph.D. Department: Department of Radio Electronics
Podpora lidských zdrojů a transferu znalostí v podmíkách mezinárodní spolupráce vědeckých týmů - Partnerství, příjemnce ÚPT AV ČR, v.v.i.
Period of solution: 01.09.2011 - 30.08.2014 Principal investigator of the project: doc. Ing. Josef Jirák, CSc. Department: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication;Centre for Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources
Měření a vyhodnocení světelně technických parametrů LED svítidel (HS18145016)
Period of solution: 25.07.2011 - 05.08.2011 Principal investigator of the project: doc. Ing. Petr Baxant, Ph.D. Department: Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Ověření provozní výkonnosti FVE Semanín
Period of solution: 18.07.2011 - 19.08.2011 Principal investigator of the project: doc. Ing. Petr Mastný, Ph.D. Department: Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Letiště Brno - měření osvětlení, HS18145015
Period of solution: 15.07.2011 - 18.07.2011 Principal investigator of the project: doc. Ing. Petr Baxant, Ph.D. Department: Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Image Acquisition and Processing for Evaluation of Segregation
Period of solution: 14.07.2011 - 09.08.2013 Principal investigator of the project: Ing. Karel Horák, Ph.D. Department: Department of Control and Instrumentation
Research, experimental design and realization of a prototype of UHF RFID tester device based on SDR
Period of solution: 01.07.2011 - 30.04.2012 Principal investigator of the project: prof. Ing. Roman Maršálek, Ph.D. Department: Department of Radio Electronics
Měření vysokorychlostní kamerou
Period of solution: 15.06.2011 - 31.12.2011 Principal investigator of the project: prof. RNDr. Vladimír Aubrecht, CSc. Department: Centre for Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources;division-VEE-CVVOZE
Partnerství v jaderné energetice nové generace
Period of solution: 01.06.2011 - 31.05.2014 Principal investigator of the project: doc. Ing. Karel Katovský, Ph.D. Department: Dept. of Power Engineering;Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Shown projects 960 - 969 from 1703 projects.