Research Teams in Group
Micro- and nanoelectronics
Czech noise research laboratory

Leader: Assoc. Prof. Vlasta Sedláková
The laboratory investigates novel means and methods for determining the reliability and estimating the service life of electronic components. In addition to noise research, the group’s specialists focus on developing advanced techniques for the non-destructive testing of parts and materials within the examined field. Another significant activity consists in creating models for electronic components.
Major 4-year outputs:
- Diagnosing noise in the output signal of pressure and gas sensors; in the former, the task was performed to requirements of the BD Sensors company.
- Defining equivalent electrical circuits and modeling the frequency and voltage characteristics of MLCC condensers from the AVX company‘s product range.
- Measuring the characteristics of uni- and bipolar transistors and resistors in the temperature interval of 40 - 300 K within the project "Cryo data extraction" solved for ON Semiconductor.
- Defining the equivalent electrical circuit and setting up a service life model suitable for semiconductors to be employed in space applications via the European Space Agency (ESA) project No. 4000105661/12/NL/NR "Evaluation of supercapacitors and impact at system level”.
- An Li-S accumulator service life model within the project H2020 ECLIPSE (European Consortium for Lithium-sulfur Power for Space Environments).
Electron microscopy laboratory

Leader: Prof. Lubomír Grmela
The laboratory operates a Tescan LYRA electron microscope and also AFM and SNOM (NT-MDT) scanning devices; the research is centered on the microscopy of surfaces and materials, including the analysis of elements. Using an ion beam, surfaces are microscopically machined and modified.
Major 4-year outputs:
- TALU, S.; MOROZOV, I.; SOBOLA, D.; SKARVADA, P. Multifractal Characterization of Butterfly Wings Scales. BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY, 2018, no. 10, pp. 1-15. ISSN: 0092-8240.
- BAI, Y.; TOFEL, P.; HADAS, Z.; SMILEK, J.; LOSAK, P.; SKARVADA, P.; MACKU, R. Investigation of a cantilever structured piezoelectric energy harvester used for wearable devices with random vibration input. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 2018, vol. 106, no. 106, pp. 303-318. ISSN: 0888-3270.
Hardware development, analysis and testing

Group website:
We are engaged in research and design of advanced functional blocks of integer and fractional order for processing mainly analog and mixed signals. Part of our activities is also non-destructive testing and diagnostics of developed hardware, evaluation of reliability of electronic systems, EMC, climatic resistance (temperature, humidity).
Main research activities
- Design of function blocks for pre- and post-processing of analog and mixed signals
- Research and development of methods for the design of advanced electronic systems
- Experimental development of hardware samples and prototypes
- Non-destructive testing and diagnostics, reliability analysis of electronic systems, EMC, climate resistance
- Embedded and digital systems - design, development, testing
Main research results
- MAHATA, S.; HERENCSÁR, N.; ALAGOZ, B. B.; YEROGLU, C. Optimal F-domain stabilization technique for reduction of commensurate fractional-order SISO systems. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 2022, vol. 25, no. 2, p. 803-821. ISSN: 1311-0454. (
- MAHATA, S.; HERENCSÁR, N.; KUBÁNEK, D.; GÖKNAR, I. C. Optimized fractional-order Butterworth filter design in complex F-plane. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 2022, vol. 25, no. 5, p. 1-17. ISSN: 1311-0454. (
- LANGHAMMER, L.; ŠOTNER, R. Reconnection-Less Reconfigurable Filter Based on Method of Unknown Nodal Voltages Using 4x4 Matrix. IEEE Access, 2023, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 8600-8608. ISSN: 2169-3536. (
- TUFENKCI, S.; ALAGOZ, B. B.; KAVURAN, G.; YEROGLU, C.; HERENCSÁR, N.; MAHATA, S. A theoretical demonstration for reinforcement learning of PI control dynamics for optimal speed control of DC motors by using Twin Delay Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 2023, vol. 213,Part C, no. March 2023, p. 1-16. ISSN: 0957-4174. (
- MAHATA, S.; HERENCSÁR, N.; MAIONE, G. Optimal approximation of analog PID controllers of complex fractional-order. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 2023, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 1566-1593. ISSN: 1311-0454. (
- FUJDIAK, R.; MAŠEK, P.; HANÁK, P.; ŠTŮSEK, M.; KRAJSA, O.; POKORNÝ, J.; MLÝNEK, P.; MIŠUREC, J.: G-KS-2018-1; NB-IoT sensor prototype for checking the cathodic protection of the pipeline at control points (
Laboratory of embedded systems and microcomputer programming

Leader: Assoc. Prof. Pavel Šteffan
Primarily we develop measuring and monitoring systems to manage experiments and to measure with electrochemical sensors. Our other interests are mainly within building automation, telemetry, and the unique identification of persons. Upon the completion of a project, the end customers are presented with custom-designed, ready-to-use systems including appropriate software.
Major 4-year outputs:
- The engineering and development of 1st and 2nd generation intelligent programmable lock cylinder assemblies for the TOKOZ company; both product lines are commercially manufactured and delivered to users.
- Smart lighting sources designed and developed on demand from the ESYST company; the intensity and color of the light are variable to suit the customer’s preferences
- A triaxial nanopositioning device to measure optical resonators; the device was engineered jointly with the BD Sensors company, where it also finds use in the manufacturing of pressure sensors.
- A monitoring system to measure composite materials.
- The CANet – Universal CAN-bus Sensor Network.
- Software for the Honeywell Lyric Wi-Fi programmable thermostat.
- A data-logger for an optical spectral analyzer.
Laboratory of integrated circuits and special electronic systems

Leader: Assoc. Prof. Lukáš Fujcik
A part of our researchers develop chips used in the processing of sensor signals, such as those from bio-, chemo-, and pressure sensors. We also investigate various types of AD and DA converters (or their components), including, for example, reference sources, samplers, and filters. Moreover, the group’s program incorporates solving special systems for space applications through all design and development stages.
Major 4-year output:
- A universal portable potentiostat (nanoPOT).
- A functional sample with CDTA and CCTA integrated circuits for the current mode.
- An integrated circuit to measure biologically and toxically significant substances.
- An integrated system for EMG signal processing.
- A tester to assess radiation in AD converters.
- A module to regulate the temperature of samples in radiation experiments.
Nanogroup: LabSensNano

Leader: Assoc. Prof. Jaromír Hubálek
Group website:
The laboratory experts examine the applicability of nanotechnologies in both general sensorics and the development of sensors of various quantities. The corresponding work involves the designing of not only microsensors to detect gases via nanoparticles but also nanostructured and functionalized electrodes to be employed in electrochemical sensors and biosensors. Other investigated subjects prominently include advanced techniques for the diagnostics and subsequent analysis of substances that find use in medicine.
Major 4-year outputs:
- A technique to allow the processing of a signal from a bolometer (bolometer array) and an electronic system to perform the task: the relevant patent has been put into practice abroad.
- A miniature bolometer membrane with increased absorption and a procedure to form a bolometer absorption layer: the relevant patent has been put into practice abroad.
- A 100-pixel MEMS with bolometers.
Nanometrology laboratory

Leader: Pavel Škarvada, Ph.D.
The group employs the AFM/SEM techniques and interferometry to examine material surfaces in a non-destructive and contactless manner; the central research aims consist in acquiring or performing the topography, local spectroscopy, and fluorescence of semiconductor surfaces.
Major 4-year outputs:
- Analysis of fracture surfaces (Česká zbrojovka, a. s.)
- Analysis of welds in electromagnets (IMI precision).
- TALU, S.; SOBOLA, D.; SOLAYMANI, S.; DALLAEV, R.; BRUSTLOVA, J. Scale-dependent Choice of Scanning Rate for AFM Measurements. In DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering. DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering. EStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, 2018, p. 453-459. ISBN: 978-1-60595-065-5. ISSN: 2475-8841.
- ŢALU, S.; PAPEZ, N.; SOBOLA, D.; ACHOUR, A.; SOLAYMANI, S. Micromorphology investigation of GaAs solar cells: case study on statistical surface roughness parameters. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE- MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, 2017, vol. 28, no. 15, pp. 1-12. ISSN: 0957-4522.
- GARCZYK, Z.; STACH, S.; TALU, S.; SOBOLA, D.; WROBEL, Z. Segmentation of Three-Dimensional Images of the Butterfly Wing Surface. In Information Technology in Biomedicine. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 1. Springer, Cham, 2018, pp. 111-121. ISBN: 978-3-319-91211-0. ISSN: 2194-5357.
Noise diagnostics laboratory

Leader: Prof. Pavel Koktavý
The laboratory performs non-destructive diagnostics of electronic components, sensors, and electrical insulation and building materials. The group’s experts utilize support techniques such as the monitoring of transport and fluctuation processes, and they also routinely use acoustic and electromagnetic emission methods.
Major 4-year outputs:
- Designing and implementing an autonomous device for the field collection of electromagnetic emission data in the monitoring of processes inside rock.
- Using acoustic emission to detect loose particles in metal samples during the manufacturing proces
- SKVARENINA, L.; MACKU, R. Noise and optical spectroscopy of single junction silicon solar cell. METROL MEAS SYST, 2018, vol. 25, no. 2, p. 303-316. ISSN: 0860-8229.
- TRCKA, T.; MACKU, R.; KOKTAVY, P.; SKARVADA, P.; BARON, I.; STEMBERK, J. Field Measurement of Natural Electromagnetic Emissions near the Active Tectonic and Mass-Movement Fractures in Caves. Solid State Phenomena, 2017, vol. 258, no. 1, p. 460-464. ISSN: 1662-9779.
- MACKU, R.; KOKTAVY, P.; SEDLAK, P.; SMULKO, J.; TRAWKA, M. Analytical fluctuation enhanced sensing by resistive gas sensors. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, vol. 2015, no. 213, p. 390-396. ISSN: 0925-4005.

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