Research Teams in Group
Power Systems and Power Electronics
RESLAB Working Group

Leader: Assoc. Prof. Petr Mastný
Group website:
Within the RESLab research group, we address a wide range of issues of integration, operation, management and optimization of energy units with renewable energy sources, as well as the issue of energy management of buildings with RES. The main focus of the working group is mainly in the field of photovoltaic and wind power plants, hybrid energy systems, electricity storage and electromobility issues.
In our modern laboratory, we have a test facility for verifying the operating characteristics of DC / AC inverters, which consists of a programmable power supply, an artificial network with adjustable internal impedance, a battery storage simulator and a PV string simulator.
In the field of electricity storage, we solve the issue of design, setup and communication of BMS systems for lithium-based batteries, optimization of the use of lead batteries and the issue of flow-through batteries.
Part of the working group addresses issues related to the integration of fast charging stations for electric vehicles into the electricity network, including the integration of storage into power supply systems.
Main research areas
- development tests of photovoltaic and battery inverters
- solving technical aspects of community energy
- electrical safety of hybrid energy systems
- proposals for conceptual solutions for the integration of RES into the energy mix
- Diagnostics of operating properties of photovoltaic panels.
- Development and research of hybrid photovoltaic systems with electric energy storage.
- Optimization of cooperation of energy sources in combined systems (PV, WT, accumulation, grid).
- Research of the possibility of applying modern control systems in the management of RES.
- Research of the possibilities of connection and management of RES within the system technology of buildings and family houses.
- BMS development.
- Testing the operating characteristics of DC / AC inverters.
- Since April 2024 – Accredited Test Facility for compliance verification
VOJTEK, M.; MASTNÝ, P.; MORÁVEK, J.; DRÁPELA, J.; VRÁNA, M.; DVOŘÁČEK, J. Recent Challenges Regarding the Verification of Photovoltaic Inverters Properties and their Compliance with Technical Requirements. ACTA POLYTECH HUNG, 2023, roč. 20, č. 11, s. 63-82. ISSN: 1785-8860.
MASTNÝ, P.; MORÁVEK, J.; VOJTEK, M.; VRÁNA, M.; VRTAL, M. Impact of Charging Stations on Voltage Quality - Island and Grid Operation of Real Installation. In 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023). IET conference proceedings. Rome: IET, 2023. s. 3126-3131. ISBN: 978-1-83953-855-1. ISSN: 2732-4494.
VRÁNA, M.; KLUSÁČEK, J.; DVOŘÁČEK, J.; MORÁVEK, J.; DRÁPELA, J.; MASTNÝ, P.; VRTAL, M. Impact of three-phase inverter-based generating units with asymmetrical power redistribution on the low-voltage network operation. In 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023). IET conference proceedings. Rome, Italy: IET, 2023. s. 3909-3913. ISBN: 978-1-83953-855-1. ISSN: 2732-4494.
VRTAL, M.; MASTNÝ, P.; MORÁVEK, J.; TOMAN, P. High Voltage Battery Energy Storage System as Distribution Network Support. In CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems. IET conference proceedings. Porto: IET, 2022. s. 641-645. ISBN: 978-1-83953-705-9. ISSN: 2732-4494.
MASTNÝ, P.; MORÁVEK, J.; VOJTEK, M.; BEERMANN, C. Analysis of the operation of charging stations with the support of accumulation and photovoltaic system in the Czech Republic. In CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems. IET conference proceedings. 1. Porto: IET, 2022. s. 309-313. ISBN: 978-1-83953-705-9. ISSN: 2732-4494.
MASTNÝ, P.; VOJTEK, M.; MORÁVEK, J.; VRÁNA, M.; KLUSÁČEK, J. Validation of PV Inverters Frequency Response Using Laboratory Test Platform. In Proceedinds of the 2020 21th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). first. New York: IEEE, 2020. s. 212-216. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9478-3.
Main practical research results
- System for certifying electricity sources connected to low voltage electrical networks
- SW for simulating operation of PV plants with storage
Projects/Industrial contracts
Power Quality and EMC Working Group

Leader: prof. Ing. Jiří Drápela, Ph.D.
Group website:
The working group (WG) focuses on low-frequency conducted disturbances in power systems, including transmission and distribution networks and power system users’ installations, related to power/voltage quality (PQ/VQ) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues. The WG scope covers topics ranging from measurement techniques, assessment of emissions and phenomena analysis to mitigation techniques and devices immunity; from ensuring equipment EMC to coordinating EMC in power system to achieve enhanced power system utilization and resilience with the required VQ levels for VQ. Research topics are addressed in a number of projects funded by grant agencies and private entities. The WG develops testing and measuring instruments, specialized control and/or analytical software, and designs solutions for industry. The WG members are active in numerous task forces under professional organizations (IEEE, CIRED, CIGRE) on national and international level and contribute to international (IEEE, EN) and national standards (Czech industrial standards). In addition to the research and development activities, the WG provides consultancy to companies, and organizes private and public professional courses.
Main research areas
- Voltage control (voltage profile regulation) in active distribution systems.
- Frequency control in power systems (islanding operation) highly penetrated by inverter-based generation.
- Power generating module requirements verification, in laboratory and in-field.
- Test systems and signals for conducted disturbances in frequency range 2 to 150 kHz development.
- Immunity of electricity meters on conducted disturbances in frequency range 2 to 150 kHz.
- Electricity meter standard metrics weakness under PQ issues, from point of view of deviation in records from real energy flows.
- Unified voltage quality index and its utilization for indicative evaluation of voltage quality in transmission and distribution systems, (real time) control and development of the distribution systems.
- Flickering of lamps of various technologies due to voltage amplitude, phase and frequency modulation and interharmonics presence.
- Low frequency EMC in power system highly penetrated by nonlinear, asymmetrical and dependent loads.
- Power/voltage quality in DC grids.
The WG leader publications:
KLUSÁČEK, J.; LANGELLA, R.; MEYER, J.; DRÁPELA, J. Performance of Smart Revenue Meters Under Bidirectional Active Energy Flows in Energy Communities. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2024, vol. 73, no. 1, p. 1-12.
VOJTEK, M.; MASTNÝ, P.; MORÁVEK, J.; DRÁPELA, J.; VRÁNA, M.; DVOŘÁČEK, J. Recent Challenges Regarding the Verification of Photovoltaic Inverters Properties and their Compliance with Technical Requirements. ACTA POLYTECH HUNG, 2023, vol. 20, no. 11, p. 63-82.
KLUSÁČEK, J.; DRÁPELA, J.; LANGELLA, R. Revenue Metering of Unbalanced Prosumers in Energy Communities. IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, 2023, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 426-437.
DRÁPELA, J.; LANGELLA, R.; TESTA, A.; VENDEMIA, V. A New Analytical Model of Single-Phase Diode Bridge Rectifiers in the Presence of Interharmonics in Supply Voltage. IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, 2023, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 385-394.
DRÁPELA, J.; LANGELLA, R.; TESTA, A.; VENDEMIA, V. Emission assessment of single-phase switch-mode PFC loads up to 150 kHz: Experimental analysis and modelling. ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH, 2023, vol. 220, no. 1, p. 1-9.
MENTENS, A.; CHAMORRO, H.; JACOBS, V.; TOPOLÁNEK, D.; DRÁPELA, J.; MARTINEZ, W. Impact of advanced inverter functions on low-voltage power grids. IET Energy Systems Integration, 2021, vol. 3, no. 4, p. 426-436.
COLLIN, A.; DJOKIC, S.; DRÁPELA, J.; GUO, Z.; LANGELLA, R.; TESTA, A.; WATSON, N. Analysis of Approaches for Modeling the Low Frequency Emission of LED Lamps. ENERGIES, 2020, vol. 13, no. 7, p. 1-33.
COLLIN, A.; DJOKIC, S.; DRÁPELA, J.; LANGELLA, R.; TESTA, A. Proposal of a Desynchronized Processing Technique for Assessing High-Frequency Distortion in Power Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2019, vol. 68, no. 10, p. 3883-3891.
COLLIN, A.; DJOKIC, S.; DRÁPELA, J.; LANGELLA, R.; TESTA, A. Light Flicker and Power Factor Labels for Comparing LED Lamp Performance. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, 2019, vol. 55, no. 6, p. 7062-7070.
Main practical research results
- Methodology for verifying and demonstrating compliance of power generating plants with requirement
- LIGHT SCOPE LS03 with LM03 sensor
- TraLux SW (Transient Luxmeter software)
- ISIM-r316 three-phase impedance reference network 16 A
- A set of switchboards for a specialized test system designed for testing the compliance of power generating equipment, units and modules in category A1
- Simulator of Distribution Networks for Training and Certification Employee
- SW monitor of the distribution system condition
Projects/Industrial contracts
- A new generation of power quality monitoring, diagnosis and prediction tools
- New Algorithms for the Evaluation of Flicker in the Context of Modern Electricity Grids
- Fully parameterized inverter with secure setting and communication protocol
- Pilot project for power supply of traction line with AC/AC converter
- Implementation of certification processes to ensure the integration of distributed power generating plants in compliance with the requirements of the EU Regulation
- Simulator of Distribution Networks for Training and Certification Employee
- Study: unintentional island operation of distributed sources in the DS part
- PNE 33 3430-0 Výpočetní hodnocení zpětných vlivů odběratelů a zdrojů distribučních a přenosových soustav
- Využití FVE pro dálniční komunikaci D55, "D55: Bzenec – Bzenec a Přívoz – Rohatec, úsek Ptačí oblasti"
- Report for Insight into Requirements for Power Generation up to 50 kW
- Three-phase reference impedance network with phase current up to 16 A for test system
- Calculation methodology for determining the contribution to voltage fluctuations for connection points to the transmission system
CVVOZE Power Laboratories – High Voltage Group

Leader: Ing. Michal Krbal, Ph.D.
Group website:
The High Voltage Laboratory (HV) is part of the CVVOZEPowerLab infrastructure. This laboratory is focused on research and teaching students in the field of high-voltage technology. HV lab consists of several shielded rooms, test sources and diagnostic tools for testing insulation conditions, AC/DC/LI/SI/ECI withstand voltage/current tests and performing diagnostics of power equipment up to nominal levels of 110 kV. The HV laboratory also offers the possibility to measure electrical parameters of structural solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics and very sensitive measurements without external interference - background PD is below 1 pC.The open access research infrastructure is available to non-commercial specialists worldwide (see 4-year outputs:
- Contract research into the design-specific testing of diverse types of machinery and equipment, including, for example, switching apparatuses, switchboards, transformers, insulators, power cables, and rotating machines.
- Investigation into the behavior of electric arcs in switching processes.
- Analysis of the disturbance that accompanies the switching of large currents.
- Precise diagnostics of solid and liquid dielectrics.
- Investigation into interference; measurement methodology; and EMC testing.
Development activities in power cable insulation diagnostics.
KRBAL, M.; PELIKÁN, L.; ŠTĚPÁNEK, J.; ORSÁGOVÁ, J.; KOLCUNOVÁ, I. A Physical Calibrator for Partial Discharge Meters. ENERGIES, 2019, roč. 12, č. 11, s. 1-10. ISSN: 1996-1073.
KRBAL, M.; PELIKÁN, L.; BUKVIŠOVÁ, Z.; KOLCUNOVÁ, I. Heating MV Cables to the Exact Temperature for Combined Test. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2019, roč. 10/2019, č. 11, s. 193-199. ISSN: 0033-2097.
KRBAL, M.; ŠTĚPÁNEK, J.; PELIKÁN, L.; ORSÁGOVÁ, J.; KOLCUNOVÁ, I. Comparison of Electric and Radiometric Methods for Liquid Dielectric Diagnostic. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2019, roč. 6/2019, č. 04, s. 15-22. ISSN: 0033-2097.
POURAKBARI KASMAEI, M.; MAHMOOD, F.; KRBAL, M.; PELIKÁN, L.; ORSÁGOVÁ, J.; TOMAN, P.; LEHTONEN, M. Evaluation of Filtered Spark Gap on the Lightning Protection of Distribution Transformers: Experimental and Simulation Study. ENERGIES, 2020, roč. 13, č. 15, s. 1-23. ISSN: 1996-1073.
ŠÁRPATAKY, M.; KRBAL, M.; KURIMSKÝ, J.; RAJŇAK, M.; ADAMČÁK, M. Dielectric Performance of Natural- and Synthetic-Ester-Based Nanofluids with Fullerene Nanoparticles. ENERGIES, 2022, roč. 16, č. 343, s. 1-15. ISSN: 1996-1073.
KYSELOVÁ, D.; MIKEŠ, J.; AMBROŽOVÁ, I.; BENTON, E.; ŠTĚPÁN, V.; SOMMER, M.; KRBAL, M.; PELIKÁN, L.; PLOC, O.; REITZ, G. Measurements of radiation induced by a spark discharge under laboratory conditions. RADIATION MEASUREMENTS, 2020, roč. 137, č. 106420, s. 1-5. ISSN: 1350-4487.
ŠÁRPATAKY, M.; KRBAL, M.; KURIMSKÝ, J.; RAJŇAK, M.; PAULOVIČOVÁ, K.; PELIKÁN, L. Synthetic and natural ester-based nanofluids with fullerene and magnetite nanoparticles – An experimental AC breakdown voltage study. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, 2022, roč. 368, č. B, s. 1-11. ISSN: 0167-7322.
Main practical research results
Products, prototypes, software:
- Test Discharge Cell
- Sensor for fault states measurement of electrical stations
- Modular communication unit for fault condition indicators of electrical stations
- Precise DC Source 1.2 kV
- Electrode system for small solid dielectric material
- Experimental chamber for analysis of the evaporation of plastic materials and their influence on arc behavior
- Automatic induction heating system for high voltage cables
- Rectifier for high voltahe AC testing source
Nuclear Power Group

Leader: doc. Ing. Karel Katovský, Ph.D.
Group website:
The Nuclear Power Group is engaged in teaching and research at the Institute of Electric Power Engineering in the field of nuclear energy, applied nuclear physics and dosimetry of ionizing radiation. Our group deals with advanced nuclear reactors, especially systems controlled by an accelerator or a high-power laser, we also study the issue of modern neutron sources or small modular reactors. An important topic of our work is also safety analysis of second and third generation reactors, we operate a unique facility M.R.C.H.A. (Mobile Research Critical Heat-flux Apparatus) capable of analyzing critical heat fluxes on smooth and treated surfaces or on samples of advanced nuclear fuel coverage. The device can also simulate the cooling of highly superheated nuclear fuel rods during an emergency. We also deal with calculations of the reserve for the boiling crisis in pressurized water reactors using subchannel codes, calculations of 3D kinetics or analyzes of uncertainties in assessing the safety of pools and containers of spent nuclear fuel. We cooperate with prestigious foreign universities and research institutes.
Main research areas
- Accelerator or laser controlled subcritical nuclear reactors.
- Measurement and computational analysis of neutron field properties of fast and high-energy neutrons.
- Nuclear gamma spectrometry using semiconductor germanium or scintillation detectors.
- Measurement of critical heat fluxes on smooth and treated surfaces, calculations of the reserve for the boiling crisis.
- Analyzes and shielding designs of complex sources of ionizing radiation.
- Computational analyzes of advanced nuclear fuels, nuclear data and 3D kinetics of nuclear reactors.
- Safety analyzes of advanced and small modular reactors.
MICIAN, P.; CERNY, T.; PETROSYAN, T.; FORAL, S.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; PTACEK, M. Assessing the Phebus FPT-1 experiment: Insights from MELCOR 2.2 and ASYST codes. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 1738-5733. 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Suite 110 Melville, NY 11747, USA: Elsevier, 2024, ISSN: 1738-5733.
SONI, B.; PARASHARI, S.; MUKHERJEE, S.; MAKWANA, R.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; NAYAK, B.; NAIK, H.; VARMUŽA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Measurement of (n, xn) reaction cross sections on In-113, In-115 isotopes using quasi-monoenergetic neutrons within 10-20 MeV. European Physical Journal Plus, 2020, roč. 135, č. 3, s. 300-320. ISSN: 2190-5444.
VRBAN, B.; ČERBA, Š.; LÜLEY, J.; NEČAS, V.; FILOVÁ, V.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; ŠŤASTNÝ, O.; GLOGINJIC, M.; ERICH, M.; MRAVIK, Ž.; PETROVIC, S. The Mini Labyrinth Benchmark for Radiation Protection and Shielding Analysis. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, 2022, roč. 69, č. 4, s. 745-752. ISSN: 0018-9499.
ŠTEVANKA, K.; KRÁL, D.; ŠŤASTNÝ, O.; HOLOMB, R.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; SOUSA MARTINS, H. Comparison of Neutron Flux Density in Carbon Prism filled with NaCl and Air. In Proccedings of the 2020 21th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). New York: IEEE, 2020. s. 372-376. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9479-0.
PETROSYAN, T.; ŠTEVANKA, K.; NESVADBA, L.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; VLČEK, D. Experimental Investigation of Critical Heat Flux. In 2023 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). Proceedings of the ... International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering. 1. Piscataway, New Jersey, USA/Brno, Czech Republic: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, 2023. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3593-4. ISSN: 2376-5631.
Main practical research results
Patents, utility models and software:
- Nuclear fuel, a fuel pellet containing this nuclear fuel, and a fuel rod containing these fuel pellets
- Detection set for neutron spectra analysis
- Universal passive threshold detector for neutron field analysis generated by a particle accelerator
- Computational model of Phebus facility by MELCOR code
- Sofware analysing the laser-generated neutron spectrum over the entire energy range
Projects/Industrial contracts
- AD4HEL - Activation Detectors for High Energy Lasers: utilization of quasi-offline methods for detection of laser driven neutrons
- ADAR - Accelerator Driven Advanced Reactor
- Research of coping and mitigation capabilities and strategies of existing and advanced PWRs against Design Extension Conditions
- System integration analysis of nuclear sources (SMR and / or large units) and P2G into the Czech power and heating industry
- Tolerant Nuclear Fuels for Small Modular Reactors and Safety Evaluation
- Experimental and simulation shielding studies of materials used in radiation protection
- Center of Advanced Nuclear Technology II
Lighting Technology Working Group

Leader: doc. Ing. Petr Baxant, Ph.D.
Group website:
Our workgroup is focused on the research and measurement of modern light sources, the simulations of lighting and optical systems, the photobiological safety of light sources and luminaires, the development of new methodology for the indoor and outdoor discomfort glare measurement and evaluation. In the last few years, we have been developing methods for measuring and evaluating light pollution, both in visible light and non-image forming radiation, and radiation affecting circadian rhythms, both in humans and other living forms. Furthermore, there is the development and testing of luminance analyser LDA in our laboratory that is capable of fast luminance measurement in the whole scene. Moreover, our workgroup carries out studies for our industry partners that are used as the design fundamental for the future development and evaluation of the modern lighting sources and luminaires.
Main research areas
- Research and development of the luminance analyser LDA – LumiDISP
- Research and development of light pollution measurement methods and lighting pollution analyser
- Research and development of the glare evaluation methodology and its practical measurement.
- Research of the photobiological safety of light sources and luminaires.
- Research and development of new measurement methods in photometry and uncertainty of measurement analysis.
Main practical research results
- Road glare assessment kit
- Method of regulation of the photographic camera shutter release and apparatus for making the same
Projects/Industrial contracts
- Research and development in the field of measurement and evaluation of artificial light in the night environment and its impact on living organisms and the environment as a whole
- Omnidirectional Light Pollution Analyser
- System for disability glare evaluation of lighting systems powered from public electrical grid
- Dynamic Luminance Distribution Analyser
Main research publications
- Novák, P. Baxant and M. Motyčka, "Time Courses of Luminance on a Road Illuminated by an Adaptive Lighting System," 2022 22nd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE), Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, 2022, pp. 1-5.
- Skoda, S. Sumec, P. Baxant and M. Motycka, "Influence of background luminance on UGR result," 2016 IEEE Lighting Conference of the Visegrad Countries (Lumen V4), Karpacz, Poland, 2016, pp. 1-4.
- Štěpánek, J. Škoda, M. Krbal, M. Krbalová and P. Baxant, "Ecodesign of light sources," 2016 IEEE Lighting Conference of the Visegrad Countries (Lumen V4), Karpacz, Poland, 2016, pp. 1-4.
- Baxant, S. Sumec and J. Škoda, "Contrast analysis in lighting technology," 2016 IEEE Lighting Conference of the Visegrad Countries (Lumen V4), Karpacz, Poland, 2016, pp. 1-6.
Electrical Protection and Network Analysis Working Group

Leader: doc. Ing. Jaroslava Orságová, Ph.D.
Group website:
Our working group deals with the issues of protection, operation and safety of the power system. In the field of protection, the group specializes mainly in the development of new methods and systems for locating ground faults and the use of modern (centralized) protection systems and digitized data according to IEC 61850 standard (Sampled Values). In the area of distribution system operation, research activities are focused on the issue of minimizing fault currents, autonomous regulation of distributed sources and the use of distributed metering for optimizing the distribution system operation. The last R&D area is focused on the evaluation of operational safety using probabilistic approaches, procedures optimization for the calculation of ground resistances and conditions for the compensated systems operation. We participate in the implementation of grant and purely private projects of mainly applied research in cooperation with electricity distribution companies, thanks to which it is possible to supplement a number of R&D activities by experimental measurements in real systems.
Main research areas
- Methods of localization and elimination of unsymmetrical faults in distribution networks.
- Method of the faulty phase grounding and evaluation of its impact on the security of HV and LV networks.
- Research of a ground fault localization method based on a detailed analysis of the measurements results obtained from real distribution network measurements.
- Innovation of protection functions and algorithms for centralized protection of distribution networks using communication standards according to IEC 61850.
- Risk analysis of dangerous touch and step voltages.
- Development and analysis of functionalities for distributed measurements installed at the LV and MV level (distribution transformer stations monitors, use of electricity meters, etc.).
- Development of SW tools for Sampled Values signal management according to IEC 61850-9-2 standard.
TOPOLÁNEK, D.; LEHTONEN, M.; TOMAN, P.; ORSÁGOVÁ, J.; DRÁPELA, J. An earth fault location method based on negative sequence voltage changes at low voltage side of distribution transformers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2020, roč. 118, č. 118, s. 1-8. ISSN: 0142-0615.
TOPOLÁNEK, D.; KRČÁL, V.; FOLTÝN, L.; PRAKS, P.; VYSOCKÝ, J.; PRAKSOVÁ, R.; PRETTICO, G.; FULLI, G. Optimization method for short circuit current reduction in extensive meshed LV network. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2023, roč. 152, č. 1, s. 1-10. ISSN: 0142-0615.
JURÁK, V.; ORSÁGOVÁ, J.; TOPOLÁNEK, D. Testing of the digital arc suppression coil controller using real-time simulator. In Proceedings of the 2023 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). NEW YORK: IEEE, 2023. s. 61-65. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3593-4.
KRČÁL, V.; TOPOLÁNEK, D.; JURÁK, V.; ORSÁGOVÁ, J. A Software Tool for Setting Upstream Active Power Protection in a Meshed Distribution Network. In Proceedings of the 2023 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). NEW YORK: IEEE, 2023. s. 128-132. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3593-4.
TOPOLÁNEK, D.; VYČÍTAL, V.; TOMAN, P.; CARMAN, B. Application of the probabilistic approach for earthing system evaluation in distribution network. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2018, roč. 20, č. 110, s. 268-279. ISSN: 0142-0615.
Main practical research results
- Method of determining probability of unsymmetrical failure occurrence points in electrical networks and monitoring system intended for carrying out the method
- Evaluation method for determining of the probability of an asymmetrical fault location in a distribution network and a monitoring system for performing such method
- Evaluation of pilot operation of system Vdip in Vimperk area
- System V-dip for unbalance fault localization
- Sampled Value Analyzer - SVA 0.4
- Central Protection Relay Model
- Service software for the combined indicator of fault states
- Locator of unbalanced states in the electrical network
- Prototype of distributed measuring units V-dip ready
Projects/Industrial contracts
Building Management System and Bulding Wiring System Working Group

Leader: Ing. Branislav Bátora, Ph.D.
Group website:
Group website
Our team deals with the issue of system wiring to control the indoor environment of buildings (lighting, shading, heating, cooling, ventilation). Within the group, we organize trainings, workshops, we provide advice and consultations. We participate in the implementation of intelligent building projects and the optimization of electricity consumption. Research is conducted in the field of effective control and optimization algorithms. We focus on KNX, Foxtrot, ABB Free @ Home and Inels.
Main research areas
- Development of functional blocks for building technology management.
- Education and training in a specialized certified KNX laboratory.
- Wiring planning activity and its support.
JANÍK, D.; BÁTORA, B.; TOMAN, P. Analysis of daily load diagrams for active and reactive energy. In Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, ELEKTROENERGETIKA 2019. Technical University of Kosice, 2019. s. 567-570. ISBN: 978-1-5108-8871-5.
JANÍK, D.; BÁTORA, B.; TOMAN, P. Energetical Review of Bus wiring Systems for Lighting Control. In Proceedings of the 2018 VII. Lighting Conference of the Visegrad Countries (Lumen V4). 2018. s. 183-186. ISBN: 978-1-5386-7923-4.
BÁTORA, B.; TOMAN, P. Modern Methods of Lighting Control with Using Systems KNX and DALI. In Proccedings of the 13th International Scientific Conference Electric Power Engineering 2012. 1. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2012. s. 1199-1202. ISBN: 978-80-214-4514- 7.
BÁTORA, B.; MACHÁČEK, J.; TOMAN, P. Modern wiring system as building management system. In Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference Elecric Power Engineering 2010. 1. Brno University of Technology, FEEC, Department of Electrical Power Engineering, 2010. s. 791-794. ISBN: 978-80-214-4094- 4.
BÁTORA, B.; TOMAN, P.; BAXANT, P.; BELATKA, M. Interaktívní databáze prvků inteligentních systémů moderní elektroinstalace. In Proceedings of 8th International Scientific Conference Electric Power Engineering 2007. VŠB- TU Ostrava, 2007. s. 1-7. ISBN: 978-80-248-1391- 2.
Projects/Industrial contracts
Electrical Instruments Working Group

Leader: Jiří Valenta, Ph.D.
The group studies the behavior of electric arcs to implement the findings within the in-house research and development of switching and protective devices for low- and high-voltage applications. A short-circuit lab equipped with a synchronous surge generator and related accessories enables the researchers to simulate short circuit events in power grids. For this purpose, the generator is employed especially for testing new instruments or devices designed and fabricated jointly by the group’s specialists and industry-based partners. The results of the experiments are compared with those obtained through theoretical simulations carried out by using advanced diagnostic systems.
Main research activities
- Calculation of absorption coefficients of plasma radiation. Optical emission spectroscopy. Determination of plasma temperature with high temporal resolution.
- Replacement of SF6 insulating and quenching medium with other, less environmentally problematic substances.
- Switching arc analysis using high-speed camera and monochromators. Study of transient resistances of contact systems.
- Simulation and numerical analysis of parts of current paths (thermal, dynamic effects).
- Short circuit testing of devices under development.
Main research practical results
- Absorption coefficients of SF6 gas and its substitutes.
- Time optimization method for calculating plasma radiation. Determination of time evolution of plasma temperature for selected devices.
- New ranges of circuit breakers, traction contactors and high voltage switchgear elements.
- Unique computational model of the current path of a low-voltage switchgear.
- Analysis of switching arc effects on selected structural materials. System for suppression of arc flash radiation during high-speed camera imaging.
- Analysis of arc fault effects on the human body using different protective equipment.
Main research publications
- KLOC, P.; AUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVA, M.; FUCHS, R. Comparison of Mean Absorption Methods for Radiation Transfer Models in Air Plasma at Various Pressures. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2022, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 1-19. ISSN: 0272-4324. full-text, WoS
- ESMAEILI, S.; KLOC, P.; YAN, J. Spectral and spatial characteristic behaviour of three-dimensional radiation transfer in SF6 switching arcs. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, vol. 55, no. 18, p. 1-15. ISSN: 0022-3727. full-text, WoS
Electric Drives and Battery Systems Group

Leader: Petr Procházka, Ph.D.
Research group develop and manufacture prototypes of electronic and electromechanical systems with feedback control of electrical power flow or its conversion to mechanical power. A typical task for the group includes the development of electric traction systems, including battery-powered ones, dynamic system simulations, and the design of appropriate control. The designed control algorithms are most often implemented using microprocessors. The group’s research also includes operational diagnostics of individual system components. All activities aim to continuously increase the efficiency of all used subsystems.
Main research activities
- Development of electronic circuits for digital control systems, using microcontrollers to control inverters for electric drives and other power applications.
- Control of industrial processes, implementation of advanced control structures, control of model-based systems.
- Battery pack designs for any application, design and implementation of battery-management for lithium-based battery systems.
- Measurement of capacity and other cell parameters under various operating conditions, research on equivalent electronic circuits of batteries.
- Thermal simulation and optimization of cooling of battery systems
Main research practical results
- Prototype of an electric locomotive drive (4 x 1 MW) with energy recovery into the AC grid.
- Prototype of electrically powered aircraft VUT 051 RAY.
- A two-ton, battery-powered mini excavator, hybrid forwarder with trailer, hybrid forest harvester.
Main research publications
- VALIS, D.; HLINKA, J.; KOLACEK, J.; PROCHAZKA, P.; CIPIN, R.; POKORA, O.; KOSTIAL, R. Comprehensive study on reliability, deterioration, and ageing of lithium-ion batteries in electric-powered aircraft assessed after a storage period using functional data analysis and non-parametric back up. ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS, 2023, vol. 154, no. 1, p. 1-27. ISSN: 1873-1961. full-text, WoS
- ZEMANEK, T.; PROCHAZKA, P.; PAZDERA, I.; MERGL, V.; NERUDA, J.; VITEK, O.; ULRICH, R.; STANEK, L. Operating Characteristics of a Timber Trailer with a Hybrid Drive. Forests, 2022, vol. 13, no. 8, p. 1-15. ISSN: 1999-4907. full-text, WoS
- PIGL, J.; CIPIN, R. Dynamic Model of Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker and Induction Motor for Switching Transients Simulation Using Clark Transformation. ENERGIES, 2023, vol. 16, no. 3, p. 1-22. ISSN: 1996-1073. full-text, WoS
Power Electronics Working Group

Leader: Assoc. Prof. Pavel Vorel
The power electronics group deals with various power supplies of normal and extreme parameters. Team members have extensive experience from many projects in the field of power electronics. Our strength lies in our comprehensive approach and our ability to design the device as a whole system, considering the interconnection of individual components. We focus on switching power supplies, with a high-frequency pulse transformer, in range from units of W to hundreds of kW, and applications in many other fields, including medicines.
Main research activities
- Development of non-traditional topologies and solutions for power parts of inverters and switching power supplies.
- Design of common and special winding elements (pulse transformers and inductors).
- Use of modern switching components (SiC and GaN transistors and diodes) and modern passive elements.
- Design of control circuits for switching power supplies.
- Development of special drivers for power switching devices.
- Development of experimental devices for medical purposes or cosmetic medicine.
Main research practical results
- Laboratory sample of a 75kVA/500Hz single-phase inverter for powering a high-voltage transformer for an electrostatic precipitator.
- Switching power supply 5000 V 1 A for powering the magnetron in a continuous porcelain dryer.
- 480 V 100 A fast charger for charging the Super-El electric car.
- Switching power supply 100 kW for powering an experimental site for fuel rod research for nuclear power plants.
- A 3 kW wireless power transmission device with 91% efficiency.
- Pulse source for AC electroporation in cardiology, 2000 V 12 A 450 kHz.
Main research publications
- FOLPRECHT, M.; CERVINKA, D.; PROCHAZKA, P. Compact High-Voltage AC Generator with Pulse Transformer for High-Frequency Irreversible Electroporation (H-FIRE). Electronics, 2021, vol. 10, no. 23, p. 1-17. ISSN: 2079-9292. full-text, WoS
- ROHAN, T.; ANDRASINA, T.; JUZA, T.; MATKULCIK, P.; NOVOTNA, V.; CERVINKA, D.;BERNARD, V.; VALEK, V.; GOLDBERG, N. Experimental model of occluded biliary metal stent recanalization using irreversible electroporation via a tubular catheter. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 2021, vol. 38, no. 1, p. 393-401. ISSN: 1464-5157. full-text, WoS
Electric Machinery Working Group

Leader: Assoc. Prof. Ondřej Vítek
The group focuses on the development of new types of rotating electric machines. We develop both conventional machines and machines with unconventional parameters in terms of torque, speed or efficiency. The spectrum of machines we design the machines in range from asynchronous to synchronous with permanent magnets to various types of reluctance machines. We are also interested in analysis of the problem of heat propagation in arbitrary physical systems.
Main research activities
- Complete designs for both traditional and special electrical machines, including electromagnetic motor calculations.
- Verification of parameters of newly developed rotating machines on dynamometers.
- Calculation of heat propagation in electrical machines.
- Use of thermal models for optimization of electrical machine design and accurate identification of electrical machine parameters.
- Thermal analysis of power battery systems especially for traction applications.
Main research practical results
- Prototype of 3-phase induction machine of power 180 W, designed for direct connection to the public power grid (3 x 400 V / 50 Hz).
- Prototypes of "low cost" resolvers series. Brushless hollow shaft resolvers of size 10, 15, 21 for measuring position and speed up to 20000 rpm. The reduction in accuracy is compensated by the lower price.
- Prototype of induction motor up to 3 kW. Line-to-line 400 V, mechanical power 3 kW, mechanical torque 28,8 Nm, speed 462,4 rpm.
- Prototypes of electromechanical actuators used for primary flight control surfaces of CS-23 and Urban Air Mobility aircraft
- Thermal calculation of a synchronous machine with PM for aerospace applications. Thermal calculation of high-speed machine
Main research publications
- ABRAMENKO, V.; BARTA, J.; LOLOVA, I.; PETROV, I.; PYRHONEN, J. Design of Low-Power Direct-on-Line Synchronous Reluctance Motor Based on Modified Natural Flux Line Curve Approach. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, 2021, vol. 57, no. 6, p. 5894-5906. ISSN: 0093-9994. full-text, WoS
- BARTA, J.; KNEBL, L.; BRAMERDORFER, G.; LOLOVÁ, I.; SILBER, S.; VITEK, O. Topology Optimization of Rotor Bars Geometry and Arrangement for a Line-Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine. IEEE Access, 2021, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 115192-115204. ISSN: 2169-3536. full-text, WoS
- KNEBL, L.; BÁRTA, J.; ONDRUŠEK, C.; VÍTEK, O.; BRAMERDORFER, G. Multi-objective Optimization of a Line-start Synchronous Machine Using a Self-organizing Algorithm. IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 2021, vol. 57, no. 6, p. 1-4. ISSN: 0018-9464. full-text, WoS
Electrical Systems Safety

Leader: assoc. prof. Petr Drexler, Ph.D.
The Electrical Systems Safety Group deals with research on the issues of their diagnostics, protection against emergency conditions and also the prevention of accidents and fires. In the field of predictive diagnostics of power transformers, the group focuses on research into methods of detecting and locating partial discharges using monitoring their electromagnetic emission in the ultra-high-frequency (UHF) band. That covers mainly the design and construction of antenna sensors for pulsed signals, high-frequency electronics and the design of signal processing methods and the development of specialised software. The group also focuses on personal safety issues in electrical engineering and deals with teaching of university students in this filed. Moreover, it offers training on professional competence to perform activities in electrical engineering for individuals and companies. In the field of related research, the group deals with advanced numerical modelling methods in safety issues of electrical installations.
The most significant outputs achieved by the group in the last 4 years:
- Installation of a modernized system for detection and localization of partial discharges in block-transformers at the Dukovany power plant.
- Development of a demonstration panel to demonstrate the functions of electric shock protection and Arc Fault Detection Device (AFDD).
- Research, development and verification of a new type of sensor for detection of partial discharges outside transformers.
Laboratory of Numerical Modelling and Simulations (NumLab)

Leader: Ing. Tomáš Kříž, Ph.D.
We deal with modelling of electromagnetic fields in the low and high frequency region, we solve temperature problems including flow and coupled (electromagnetic + temperature) problems. In the low-frequency domain, we focus on solving problems in quasi-stationary or harmonic steady state (electromagnets, actuators, sensors or clamping systems) and also on solving transient processes in components or devices. In the high-frequency area, we focus on the design of planar structures, excitation coils used in spectroscopy or the design of saddle coils used in nuclear magnetic resonance. In thermal calculations, we deal with the heating of devices due to Joule or electromagnetic losses and their cooling, heat transfer from solid structures to liquids or gases (heat exchangers, water heaters).
The most important solved projects:
- EMC analysis and assessment of a multi-cell low-floor tramway 35T – Chemnitz, from 26. 3. 2018 to 14. 12. 2018
- GA17-00607S, Complex Artificial Electromagnetic Structures and Nanostructures, from 1. 1. 2017, to 31. 12. 2019
The most important publications:
- ZUKAL, J.; SZABÓ, Z.; KŘÍŽ, T.; KADLEC, R.; DĚDKOVÁ, J.; FIALA, P. A Robust Generator-Harvester for Independent Sensor Systems. Applied Sciences - Basel, 2024, vol. 14, no. 3, p. 1-16. ISSN: 2076-3417.
- DREXLER, P.; NEŠPOR, D.; KADLEC, R.; KŘÍŽ, T.; NEBOJSA, A. Simulation and Characterization of Nanostructured Electromagnetic Scatterers for Information Encoding. Electronics (MDPI), 2022, vol. 11, no. 20, p. 1-12. ISSN: 2079-9292.
- HANZELKA, M.; DAN, J.; FIALA, P.; DOHNAL, P. Human Psychophysiology Is Influenced by Low-Level Magnetic Fields: Solar Activity as the Cause. Atmosphere, 2021, vol. 12, no. 12, p. 1-10. ISSN: 2073-4433.
- DREXLER, P.; FIALA, P.; KADLEC, R.; LONDÁK, P.; MÁDROVÁ, T.; KLÍMA, M.; ZUKAL, J. Numerical modeling and experimental verification of a low fluid flow inductive flowmeter. FLOW MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION, 2021, vol. 78, no. 1, p. 1-12. ISSN: 0955-5986.
- ZUKAL, J.; FIALA, P.; SZABÓ, Z.; DĚDKOVÁ, J.; PERNICA, R. Coupled Numerical Model of Vibration-Based Harvester. Applied Sciences - Basel, 2020, vol. 10, no. 8, p. 1-25. ISSN: 2076-3417.
- SZABÓ, Z.; FIALA, P.; ZUKAL, J.; DĚDKOVÁ, J.; DOHNAL, P. Optimal Structural Design of a Magnetic Circuit for Vibration Harvesters Applicable in MEMS. Symmetry, 2020, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 1-18. ISSN: 2073-8994.

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