FEEC merit scholarships
Merit scholarships are intended for excellent full-time students. The decision on granting the scholarship is always based on the student’s weighted grade-point average (WGPA) in the previous academic year of his/her studies. They are not intended for first year students.
The limits for the WGPA and the amount of the scholarship are specified in Dean’s Regulation Scholarships.
Other prerequisities for merit scholarship
In addition to the WGPA, it is also taken into account whether the student has earned no less than 45 credits in the courses in the given academic year, whether he/she has successfully completed all compulsory repeated courses in which he/she was enrolled and continued the studies in the following academic year in the same study programme. For details see Scholarship rules of BUT, Scholarship rules of the FEEC
Other scholarship
Most of the BUT scholarships the student meets during his/her studies (accommodation, social, exceptional) are provided directly by BUT and the information on these scholarships is therefore given on the website of the rectorate.
Scholarship account
Before you are granted any scholarship (from FEET or BUT), you need to register your Scholarship account. First enter it into the BUT portal and then download and print an application for setting up an account. Bring the application to the Student’s Affairs Department in person.
Scholarship program for talented foreign students studying in English study programs "BUTalent"
The programme is intended for foreign students currently enrolled in Master or Ph.D. English study programmes. For details see Scholarship program for talented foreign students.