term, from September 2019, it is necessary to submit the application online before 30th April 2019. See more at
Study Technical Masters Degree in Brno
Students are being given incentives to study in the Czech Republic. Three Brno universities are offering Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Engineering mechanics and Biomechanics, Biomedical and Ecological Engineering , Visual Informatics, Computer Systems, Communication, and Security, Software Systems and Services Management, System Engineering and Informatics in English. Courses consist of follow-up master’s study programs. Students with a bachelor’s degree are eligible for a scholarship covering 50 % of tuition fees – up to an amount of EUR 1,500 a year. Faculties are offering study programs for the winter term in the academic year 2019/2020. To enrol in the upcomingterm, from September 2019, it is necessary to submit the application online before 30th April 2019. See more at
Odpovědná osoba | doc. Ing. Jiří Háze, Ph.D. |
Datum publikování |

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